Welcome Teachers!

Our skill building and career readiness certifications are perfect for YOUR students in SHSM, Coop, Careers, Business and more!

Unearth Education Éveillée (UEÉ) understands that each school and school board have unique needs, varying teaching models and schedules.

This is why we’ve created various learning and delivery models that provide flexibility and adaptability to allow our certification to fit into your classroom.

Did you know?

All of our certifications can be adapted to different grade levels. Contact us today to learn more!

*Note: Prices are based on enrollment numbers (not completion) and are, subject to change without notice. Tax is not included in the price quoted.

My Community Engagement Blueprint

2-day coach-led program (in-person or virtual)

Interactive and innovative activities to develop leadership through the creation of a vision board, self-
coaching, gratitude, and mindfulness reflections with courage, communicate, collaboration and
character at the forefront.

Register Now

Email certifications@uneartheducation.com for more information or to book your group.